
Showing posts from August 6, 2017

What really needs to happen before school starts - The conversation we should be having!

If you're like us summer has flown by! We are already through the first week of August too! It's crazy! We have school shopped for clothes, but shoes and supplies still has to happen. We are pretty ready though...except what really needs to happen before school starts back is this. I need to remind my child of a few things and while we are at it you may want to call yours in the living room and remind them of these things too : If you make an effort like you never have before you will learn more than you ever have before. If you strive for excellence nothing can stop you. If you focus and do what your teachers ask of will be surprised at how great this year will be!  Not everyone has been raised like you. Not everyone's parents expect what I expect out of you. Not everyone has rules and guidelines in their homes. But we do! And just because there are others who are disrespectful and disruptive doesn't give you a pass at all to hop on their train and forg