
Showing posts from November 5, 2017

•I'm just a BUTTERFLY girl finding my place in this world•

Ever wonder what you want to be when you grow up? Wait. Most of you are grown up and you probably already are "something". Well I have grown..but I can't say I've grown up. In my mind growing up is building your life up. I have laid the ground work, but there has been no "up". Not yet, atleast. I've never had a career. I've had several jobs, but nothing I felt like WOW THIS IS WHO GOD CAREFULLY CRAFTED ME TO BE. I did feel like I was where God wanted me. To mold me and "lay the ground work", but I've never felt like that WOW THIS IS WHO I AM moment. God has made a way for me and continues to do so. I have had SUCH a hard time trying to blog lately cause all of my post truly come from my heart. Even if they are silly. And my heart has been on hold for writing lately. I wanted to write this to encourage someone who feels the same way as I do. You may be young-ish like me. You may be in your 30's or 40's not that you're